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Rev. Charlie Quillen

I want to thank you again for providing your excellent Air Head Composting toilet. We ended up with 20 men and young men with about half using your toilet. I gave instructions to those wishing to try it and everyone said that it was easy to use and had no smell. We were using it from Friday evening until Sunday morning and our only request was that they not put toilet paper in the Air Head but place it in a wastebasket. That seemed to help with the volume control. Attached are some pictures of the setup that work very well for us. We had good weather for the weekend so moisture was no problem.

Air Head installation in tent

Airhead Composting Toilets

Enhancing Your Hygiene Experience Since 2001

The Perfect Fit For Your Lifestlye

Every style of install has unique challenges. Find out how we have built the perfect toilets for your lifestyle.